ICV - Imagine Comox Valley

Mission Statement

The purposes of the society:
  • Our Mission is to achieve the legislative & regulatory changes required to ensure a sustainable future for the Comox Valley.

Sustainable is based on the three pillars concept and we treat each of these as equals. The pillars are Economy, Environment and Community.

  • Working with our members to facilitate positive economic, social and environmental change by specifically supporting the following efforts to:

  1. Provide high wage local employment via innovation in a carbon neutral way;
  2. Ensuring the Comox Valley resumes its proud and historic role as a net wealth contributor to British Columbia & Canada;
  3. To attract investment required to transform our local economy;
  4. Ensure we purchase and protect our Parks, Greenway and water networks valley-wide;
  5. Improve Capital planning in the Comox Valley to ensure it can afford its infrastructure today and tomorrow;
  6. Support the Island Corridor Foundation in enhancing rail service to the Comox Valley;
  7. Support public awareness of local governance issues and development process via education with our members;
  8. Work with our Members to create better legislation in the Comox Valley.